15+ Best Free React JS carousel / Slider to use

Reactjs carousel is a responsive and interactive slideshow built for presenting content. And its content might include a media (image/video) gallery. Thus, it rotates the media gallery on an axis. But it rotates the media radially by using distance and depth of field. And it’s media always turn facing on you.

But to work with reactjs image slider or carousel, you must learn what ReactJS is? So come with me and walk a little to know what ReactJS is? ReactJS is a JavaScript library used for web development. And it also builds interactive elements on websites. It comes to build users interfaces or UI components. But it’s maintained by Facebook and a community of single developers and companies.

Reactjs carousel slider best works for maintaining whatever is inside. In general, everything that you see, like images, arrows, etc. So you can say it gives plenty of content to hold a single space. But it can also switch for custom components. And it also linked to the carousel with minor effort.

Plus, it uses as a base of single page development. Or as for mobile applications. And it also makes you draw smart UIs from small and lonely pieces of code called “Components.” But how you choose the best Free Reactjs carousel/Slider to use?

To make your job easier, we did long research, analyzed all aspects, and checked reviews. And we deploy all expertise to sort and curate the list with its leading features. So without more delay, come with me to pick your best reactjs carousel slider.

React Awesome Slider

reactjs carousel slider

It’s a 60fps, expandable, most optimizable, production-ready component. And it renders the exact media gallery with delicate, ease, and accuracy. It also includes fantastic animations recipes. For example, it has scale-out, fold-out, cube, open and fall. And to analyzing how to build these animations, please click this link.

You can customize its basic by component’s props and custom CSS properties. And to do that, it includes a Live Customizer. In there, you’ll see all the code and customization options. Or, more accurate, you can customize the code as you desire.

Its Features:

  • Pre-loader media
  • 60frames per second or FPS Animations
  • Expandable by custom HOC components plugin
  • Gain fullscreen by fillParent prop
  • Animated transition recipes and Touch-enabled

Watch and learn how to be customizable and expandable by SASS and CSS Variables.

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React Items Carousel

reactjs image slider

It created with react-motion and styled components. You can walk with its props to see that its library meets your demands. But it’s too helpful and practical to bringing carousel items from API. It set an example to displays how to expand the carousel to add autoplay functionality.

You can customize it through component’s props and custom CSS properties. And to do that, it includes a Live Customizer. In there, you’ll see all the code and customization options. Or, more accurate, you can customize the code as you crave.

Its Features:

  • Installation and Examples
  • Infinite Loop Limitations
  • Component Props
  • Usage and Change props
  • Built with react-motion and styled-components

View to learn how to be customizable and expandable.

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React Whirligig

reactjs image slider

It’s a responsive carousel, like elements for continuous displaying slides. It reveals next and prev functions for moving the ahead and behind of striking slides. These functions can get using prop callback. In a word, it’s a horizontal adapted container of Slides.

You can customize it through component’s props. And it includes a Live Customizer. In there, you’ll see all the demo code and customization options. Or, more accurate, you can customize the reactjs carousel slider code as you need.

Its Features:

  • Responsive Carousel
  • Continuous Displaying Slides
  • Reveals Next and Prev Functions
  • Infinite Loop Limitations
  • Demo Code with Customization Options

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React Bootstrap Carousel

reactjs carousel slider

It’s a bootstrap carousel created with React. And it built with bootstrap version 3 and 4. But, it includes Slideshow speed, Animation, Autoplay, Indicators, etc. Plus, it ready to update every component to function components.

You can customize it through a Live Customizer. In there, you’ll see all the demo code and customization options. Or, more accurate, you can customize the code as you need.

Its Features:

  • Bootstrap version 3 and 4
  • Slideshow speed, Animation, and Autoplay
  • RightIcon, LeftIcon, and Indicators
  • PauseOnVisibility and onSelect
  • SlidePrev, SlideNext, and GoToSlide

Replace your current slide to prev, next, or given slide number.

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React Responsive Carousel

Reactjs carousel

It’s a robust, lightweight and entire optimizable carousel component. It builts with a responsive carousel, but it’s compatible with a swipe. You can include a storybook for fade animations. Plus, you can secure autoplay on Swipe. And you can also embed formatting on the remaining files for regularity.

You can customize it through a #Live Customizer. In there, you’ll see all the demo code and customization options. Or, more accurate, you can customize the code as you need.

Its Features:

  • Responsive, Mobile friendly, and Swipe to slide
  • Mouse emulating touch and Keyboard navigation
  • Server-side rendering compatible
  • Custom animation duration
  • Infinite loop and Horizontal or Vertical directions

And it supports pictures, videos, text or anything you demand.

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Banner Anim

reactjs carousel slider

It’s an animation component. And you may create your animated banner with a simple configuration. You’ll require to switch elements in the banner to display many pieces of info.

Plus, you’ll also customize it with ease. For that, you need to click here. And in there, you’ll see all the Examples with plenty of options. So click the options to customize the code as you need.

Its Features:

  • Simple, change, and initShow
  • Autoplay and AutoPlayEffect
  • Parallax, bgParallax, and videoBg
  • CustomAnimType, CustomArrow, and CustomThumb
  • FollowMouse, Thumb bottom, and LeaveChildHide

And the most popular browsers support this animate banner component.

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Material AutoRotating Carousel

Reactjs carousel

Do you want to launch your app by displaying a beautiful auto-rotating carousel? Or, want to show the top benefits? No worries, you can present everything through a material auto-rotating carousel. So, introduce your recent users to the material style carousel in your app.

It executes a carousel for Material-UI. And you can customize it through a Live Customizer. In there, you’ll see all the demo code and customization options.

Its Features:

  • Slide, Image, and Search Bar
  • Icons, Toggle Icon, and Time Picker
  • Ratings, Chip Input, and Legacy Components
  • Material Design Guidelines
  • Adjust Content, Width and Height

So, customize your carousel.

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React Infinite Carousel

React Leaf Carousel

It’s a unique but lazy loading and responsive Reactjs carousel. It allows tabbing, arrow key navigation, dot pagination, etc. It also adds swipe event between slide pages. And it helps with slide animation duration and the number of slides to display.

But you can customize it with ease. For that, you need to go to GitHub. And in there, you’ll see all the Examples with plenty of options. So click the options to customize the code as you need.

Its Features:

  • Lazy load slides and Responsive Support
  • Allows Dot pagination, 1/x pagination, and 1/x pagination separator
  • SlidesToShow, ToScroll, and Spacing
  • PauseOnHover, AutoCycle, and Breakpoints
  • SidesOpacity, NextArrow, and PrevArrow

So, display your outer prev/next slides to your running slide page.

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Re Carousel

React re carousel

Re Carousel is a minor carousel component. It has attributes that are all optional. And includes toggle loop mode and toggle auto sliding by default. It also adds 300 ms duration for animation by default. And 4000 ms for auto sliding interval by default.

You’ll able to customize it with ease. In that case, you need to go to GitHub. And in there, you’ll find its demo, attributes, and frames customization options. So click the options to customize the code as you need.

Its Features:

  • Toggle Loop Mode and Toggle Auto Sliding by Default
  • Auto Sliding 4000 MS and Animation Duration 300 MS by Default
  • Custom Widgets and Frames Transition End Callback
  • Dots Indicator and Prev/Next buttons
  • Keyboard Navigation and Custom Class Name

You can also create custom frames by using its attribute.

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React Image Gallery

React Image Gallery

It’s a react component that comes to builds image galleries and carousels. It also a flexible and responsive carousel that is easy to set and needs no changes. It doesn’t allow vertical sliding but does horizontal movements.

You’ll able to customize it with ease. In that case, you need to go to GitHub. And in there, you’ll find its Demo, Style import, Example, Props, and so many options. So click the options to customize the code as you need.

Its Features:

  • Mobile Swipe Gestures and Lightweight
  • Thumbnail navigation
  • Responsive Design, Fullscreen Support, and RTL Support
  • Custom Rendered Slides
  • Plenty of Customization Options

It also provides every option to built the example locally.

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React Swipeable

React Swipeable

It’s an event handler hook, and you can use it to place your swipe handlers. To use its configuration props and default values, it provides the code. And its prop enables you to prevent the browser’s touch move event. In general, by default action, mainly”scrolling”.

Yet, you can customize it with ease. For that, you need to go to GitHub. And in there, you’ll see its Demo with three examples. Also, it adds a Live customizer.

Its Features:

  • Prevent Default TouchMove Event
  • Event Handler Props
  • Props and Default Values Configuration
  • Passive Event Listener Option V6
  • Updates and Migration to V6

So, use its customizer to customize the code as you need.

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React Alice Carousel

reactjs image slider

It’s a react component that builds content galleries, content rotators, or any carousels. It’s Responsive design, Lazy loading, Infinite loop, and adds many items in the slide. It supports you with autoplay, auto height and auto width. It also helps you with indicators, arrows, slides indexes, touch and drag support.

To customize, you need to go to GitHub. And in there, you’ll see its Demo with its code. You’ll also see the Style import, Example, Props, and so many options. So click the options to customize the code as you need.

Its Features:

  • Responsive design, Infinite loop, and Lazy loading
  • Autoplay, Auto Height and Auto Width
  • Stage Padding, Swipe to Slide, and Show/Hide Anything
  • TypeScript and Touch and Drag support
  • Custom Animation Modes and Custom Rendered Slides

So, customize the code as you need.

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Nuka Carousel

reactjs image slider

It’s one of the best and eminent reactjs image slider that gets 900 git stars. It’s a user amiable ReactJS Carousel that gives plenty of decorating options. And its features also gives many customization options. Plus, it’s touch-friendly and compatible with mobile devices.

To customize, you need to go to GitHub. And in there, you’ll see the Install, Example, Props, and so many options. So click the options to customize the code as you need.

Its Features:

  • Responsive design, Autoplay, and Infinite Loop
  • Horizontal and Vertical Sliding
  • Mobile amiable, Touch-enabled, and Customizable
  • Frame Overflow, Frame Padding, and Decorator Objects
  • SlideWidth, ControllerMixin, and Speed

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React 3d carousel

Reactjs carousel

It’s a small exemplary to one-way data flow and can operate a midway position. It allows the carousel to expand through an extra layout. And it builds by four elements such as Section, Div, Figure Tag, and Controls.

To customize, you need to go to GitHub. And in there, you’ll see the Demo. And the demo will give you the customization option. So, click the demo to customize the code as you need.

Its Features:

  • Section, Div, Figure Tag, and Controls
  • Transform Style, Static Styling, and Dynamic Styling
  • Static Length and Width
  • Adding Layouts, Managing State, and Removing Dependency
  • Exposing and Clean up

Its dynamic style gives layout and the frame of the animation.

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Wrapped Up

So, these are the best Reactjs carousel or reactjs image slider to use at this time. And you can attempt transferring the layout, easing functions, and rotating the carousel. And at last, if you think I miss something or can add more helpful info! Please feel free to text me in below comment section.

In conclusion, I think this post will help you. And please don’t forget to give your review to us, as those are very important. Please stay safe and get connected with us for a furthermore interesting, informative, and practical article.

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