The 5 Ways To Increase Maximum Upload File Size in WordPress

Embarking on the journey to optimize your WordPress experience involves a crucial game changer—mastering the intricacies of increasing the maximum upload file size. Wondering how to navigate this shift without delving into intricate coding? This article serves as a comprehensive overview, unveiling the secrets and providing a roadmap for success in WordPress configuration. Understanding the fundamentals of appearance settings and security is the first step toward embracing a change that can redefine your website management.

In this exploration, we’ll delve into the what and why behind each transformative strategy. From adjusting media content size and optimizing theme and plugin installations to managing multimedia content creation, large databases, and accommodating eCommerce and social networking images, this guideline demystifies the secrets of upload size enhancement. This journey goes beyond mere relocation and change; it’s about successfully configuring WordPress without the need for complex preprogramming. As users embrace these fundamental shifts, the importance of document management, backup, and migration processes becomes apparent, contributing to a successful and efficient configuration.

Delve further into relevant subjects by exploring these engaging articles: specialized plugins designed for automating social media tasks and optimizing media management.

1. Enhancing Upload Size with wp-config.php Adjustments

Exploring effective ways to enhance your WP upload size involves understanding the intricacies of changing the configuration file. One of the finest choices is to modify the theme functions (functions.php) file with a few lines of code, a common practice for many users. By adding the code snippet:

@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' );
@ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M');
@ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );

Users can optimize their upload size easily. In older WordPress versions, this wasn’t a global variable and was hard-fixed at 256MB. However, for a more robust solution, consider the popular practice of defining memory limits in the file:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M');

Switching to this alternative provides an effective and inspired choice for users seeking to maximize their upload size. For a more in-depth understanding of these optimization methods, let’s explore additional alternatives in the following tutorial.

2. Maximizing WordPress Upload Size with php.ini

Unlocking the full potential of your file uploads involves elevating PHP configuration settings—an essential improvement for beginners and experienced users alike. By default, PHP restricts file uploads to a mere 2MB size, but with a few code snippets in the php.ini file, you can supercharge this limit to a remarkable 64M. To initiate this enhancement, search for the php.ini file in your hosting root directory using cPanel, SSH, or FTP. If the file is not visible, take the initiative as a beginner and create a file named php.ini, uploading it to the root folder. This extraordinary step empowers users to redefine their upload experience, ensuring a finer and more efficient delivery of files with improved resource allocation and timeout parameters.

upload_max_filesize = 64M
// This defines the maximum upload limit for files.
post_max_size = 64M
// This defines the maximum upload limit that will be handled in a POST request.
max_execution_time = 300
//This defines how much memory is allocated for PHP. This number should be equal or higher than the upload_max_filesize.

3. Customize or Adjust .htaccess

If editing the PHP.ini file proves ineffective in resolving upload size issues, consider another avenue: the .htaccess file. This hidden gem, containing crucial server behavior settings, becomes the deciding factor for overcoming such errors in WordPress development. The process is remarkably easier, especially for shared hosting environments. Simply navigate to your WordPress site’s root folder, locate the .htaccess file, and apply the following code:

php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
php_value post_max_size 64M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300

Identifying and fixing upload size constraints couldn’t be more straightforward, making this method a common and effective solution for users managing live WordPress systems or shortcodes in their coding endeavors.

4. Embedded Hosting Panel Tools

By the time, several remarkable hosting providers, including Bluehost, HostGator, GoDaddy, DreamHost, Hostinger, and SiteGround, have embraced a must-have feature: the ability to efficiently increase upload size. Additionally, various server software options, such as CyberPanel, cPanel, WPCloudDeploy, Plesk, DirectAdmin, Vesta, and more, have classified themselves as essential tools for WordPress users seeking a seamless and error-free experience.

Here’s a demo showcasing how you can efficiently boost upload size directly from cPanel, ensuring a remarkable solution for users without the need for root file access.

Maximum Upload File Size in WordPress

Maximum Upload File Size in WordPress

5. Using Plugins

For users inclined towards automation and seeking to bypass manual adjustments, a collection of famous free plugins awaits at the following URLs:

  1. Increase Maximum Upload File Size
  2. Big File Uploads
  3. Increase Maximum Upload File Size

By simply installing and activating any of these plugins, users can seamlessly navigate through the virtual process of modifying upload size without the need for intricate manual adjustments. This complete automation is a time-saving solution that ensures users need not ignore the intricacies of warehouse management or deal with bulk framework modifications. Whether sharing large files or handling comprehensive frameworks, these plugins should be deemed a must-have for a complete and hassle-free WordPress upload optimization experience.

Increase Maximum Upload File Size

If troubleshooting proves unsuccessful, explore a video tutorial for a visual, step-by-step guide. Video tutorials simplify understanding and implementation, offering insights not apparent in traditional troubleshooting. Let’s explore a video tutorial for a more effective resolution.


In conclusion, exploring the five ways to increase the maximum upload file size in WordPress provides a solid foundation for virtual inventory management, bulk media asset handling, and enhanced security. Ignoring these strategies may impact site performance and hinder recovery efforts. By starting with these step-by-step solutions, you pave the way for a better WordPress experience, efficiently managing complex plugins like BuddyPress and WooCommerce. Sharing this tutorial on your social networking platforms—such as Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, and more—can contribute to a wider understanding of these essential techniques, fostering a community dedicated to optimizing WP functionality and ensuring smoother website operations.

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Passionate and industrious tech writer with a bachelor's in information technology. Skilled in WordPress, HTML, and server-side scripting. Expert in content writing, keyword research, and copywriting. Available on Fiverr, Upwork, Craigslist, and Codeable.

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