If you’re looking for a HTML admin template that will benefit you to create up to date user interfaces, then here we have BunchBoard for you. In other words, whatever type of project you’re serving, for instance, personal or commercial, there is a big chance, of course, that the BunchBoard HTML admin template could be a great match.
However, this template is not only responsive, but also it is mobile-friendly. It comes with a good variety of widgets for your dashboard. It will give you an easy way of adding login and user profile pages to your site. Above all, this modern template contains ten-page templates to help you add the primary areas to your dashboard.
Hence, it comes with nine different elements along with the panels, typography, carousel, etc. Your users can keep track of their to-do lists if you add a task list with checkboxes that your users can use.
You can get even some practical option from the dashboard for adding components to your pages. You will also have global coverage while using Google maps in your pages. Moreover, you can configure the chart to make your dashboard more beneficial to your users.
In addition, you’ll find components like graphs, recent comments, panels, tables, and chat listings for adding valuable contents to your page. Also, in graphs, you can see the site visits of the current week and last week and besides, the targets will be visible.
Moreover, if you want to add clickable elements to your pages, buttons will give you great options for adding them, of course. You can add forms and icons as well.
Besides, there is a chatbox by which you can chat with people. We have also created extra pages like 403 and 404 pages, login and lock screen pages.
- Bootstrap v5.0
- Magnific Popup
- OWL Carousel
- Open Sans, Roboto Google Fonts
- jQuery Stellar Plugin
- jQuery Validation Plugin
- Font Awesome Icons
- Full Calendar
- Chart.js
- jsTree
- jQuery Animate Number Plugin
- jQuery custom content scroller
- SweetAlert
- jQuery Circle Progress
In short, BunchBoard is a well-documented responsive HTML admin template that will provide everything you need to create a custom dashboard for your project. Thus, this template gives you a wealth of features of your admin dashboard packed up with a dynamic design.
Thanks to the use of the Bootstrap framework for making the dashboard more user friendly. You can use this template for personal or commercial purpose. We are providing the template free for you. But we appreciate your cooperation, and please leave a link back to our website. We hope you will consider our request.