Novice’s Handbook: Writing Your First Article

If you’re new to writing and blogging in general, you might be wondering how to write your first blog post properly. Several components go into creating a proper blog post for your new blog. Blogs mainly fail due to poor blog posts and content that doesn’t resonate with the reader. By taking your time before you write, you’ll have a blog that brings in traffic and keeps it coming back for more. Here’s how to how to write a good blog.

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Your Niche

When learning how to write your first blog post, you need a niche. This is a topic area to write about. You may want to narrow down your choice here and make that niche-specific. For example, if you’re writing about guitars, pick a particular brand name. Write about that company’s products only. This can bring your blog targeted traffic for that narrow niche and not regular traffic.
Targeted traffic will interact with your blog more, and if you sell a product, they are more likely to buy from you. Since the Internet has so many blogs, a narrow niche topic can help grow your blog. You want people to find your blog and read your blog posts.

how to how to write a good blog


Before you create any blog post you need to research your topic and what you want to write about. it’s not a good idea to write any old blog post. You want something that people are going to read. You should research your topic and pick something appropriate for your blog. Have a look online and see what other blogs are out there related to your topic. You want to create a blog that is unique for your intended niche. Your blog should be as unique as possible, so research before you create any posts. Know the competition and see what you can do differently than them to gain readership.

The Headline Matters

The headline is what grabs the reader. Your headlines need to be compelling, so the reader wants to click on the search engine to come and read your content. You should spend time creating your headlines. Try to use trigger words to get them to click. These words include things such as click, best ways, top 10, amazing, and so on. Here are some sample headlines to give you a general idea:

  • Top 10 Ways to Get Shredded for the Summer
  • Amazing Recipes Your Spouse Will Love
  • Top 10 Ways to Build Wealth
  • Best Ways to Build Your Business

These make for compelling headlines and readers are more likely to click if they feel the article will give them something of real value. If you write good headlines, you’ll get more readers. The headline is critical. Make sure you also have a good lead-in paragraph where you explain the article to the reader, so they are compelled to keep reading.

The Content

What you write is important. The content needs to be compelling and easy to read. Don’t use too many words, unless you’re writing to intellectuals. The writing should be easy for the average person to make sense of. The length of the content should be around 500-1500 words for the average blog post. Today, 1000+ is ideal as the search engines prefer longer content. Make sure dates, people, places, events, and other data are factual and correct. You’ll gain readers if you write great content and engaging blog posts. Have a good introduction, and conclusion to your posts Use bullet points or numbers when you have data or points to get across to your reader.

Content Ideas for Beginners

Exciting to Read

While doing your research and writing the content, you should keep the end-user in mind. Walls of text can be boring. Today’s; reader prefers more engaging content. You want the topic that you pick to be exciting for the reader and to keep them on your actual blog. You don’t want to write boring and dull content. If the reader isn’t engaged with the content, they’re going to go elsewhere. You can break up the post with images, graphics, infographics, and other content. This will make the post more exciting. Use bold headings, italics, different fonts, and other methods to engage the reader. These methods will make the blog post more exciting. They will want to keep reading and will come back to see what else you have to offer them.


When learning how to write a blog post, you must ensure the post is relevant. Topic and needs to fit into your blog. It’s not a good idea to just write a random blog post. You want something that is on topic with your blog. It should also be relevant to the reader. It needs to be a post that the reader is going to find engaging and helpful to them. The best blog post is one that informs the reader or answers a question that they might have.

Relevant content examples:

  • Answers their question
  • Provide detailed information on a topic
  • Provide factual research (white papers, case studies, etc.)
  • Inspires or motivates the reader

Unique Post

You want to post that is going to be unique. Make sure you don’t plagiarize anything. Use programs like copyscape to ensure that your writing is authentic. You don’t want to plagiarize passages from other people. You can take a tired and old topic and create your unique version. for example, you can take a standard topic and write in your own experiences. This creates a blog post that resonates with the end-user. Readers like users that share a personal experience. People tend to relate with others that share the same experiences they have had. For example, if you have a blog about losing weight, write posts about your own experiences with losing weight. This would be better than creating a run-of-the-mill weight loss blog.

how to write your first blog post

Evergreen Posts

You should consider making Evergreen posts. these are posts that stand the test of time. They are blog posts that people can read 5 years from now, and they are still relevant. If you write a short-term post, you might get some traffic now, but later, and you may not get any traffic to that post. If you want consistent traffic to your blog, write posts that resonate with readers now, and in the future.

Draft it Out

When learning how to write a blog post, don’t neglect the first draft. Create the first draft of your blog post to sketch content ideas for beginners . Don’t worry too much about the content of that draft. You want to get your ideas and thoughts together through writing. once you have completed the draft, go back and improve it. Think of ways you can make the draft more exciting for the reader.


One of the most useful methods to become a great writer is to read what others. To begin, here’s a list of places where the high-quality content stuff online. So let’s see 🙂

  • : The leading business and management experts portal globally.
  • : a leading American newspaper based in New York with a worldwide readership.
  • : Multinational largest online marketplace blog and news portal.
  • : a biggest tech portal and reviews, forums platform.
  • : The biggest and famous news analysis is politics, business, and world national.

Now you know how to write a good blog. Spend your time doing some research and create an exceptional blog post and seo optimize content. You want content that is going to resonate with readers and be important to them. Each blog post should be unique and fit in with your blog niche. The more time you take with your posts, the better your blog will be. Now you know the basics about how to write your first blog post. The last step is writing that killer post.

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Guitar player and writer. I strive to put in writing the best articles I will for my clients. My articles can pass Copyscape and if they don't, i am going to fix them for you. Articles area unit all written by hand and there's no software used to make out. i do not use PLR garbage or spin something I write.

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