Unlocking SEO Potential: Why WordPress Reigns Supreme

In today’s world, eCommerce, niche-based, or business websites play vital roles in humus life. Besides, an eCommerce business is a bit more critical than another online business website. Entrepreneurs have to check a lot of sides before starting an online store. As well as, have to choose the best eCommerce platform for SEO. More than 8.5 billion search queries have Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and other search engines.

On the other hand, there are thousands of open source and paid eCommerce software and content management system available on market and a few recommendable SEO friendly eCommerce platforms are WooCommerce, Shopify, and others.

WordPress is the most popular content management system. It empowers almost 43.2% of the world wide web and rises day by day the percentage of users. Besides, WordPress has a thousand eCommerce and website builder tools, apps, and plugins, some of the popular names WooCommerce, Elementor, WPBakery, and more.

Likewise, Traffic plan and visitor is a very important parameters for a startup online business. How will you earn if there is no or less traffic on your online store? Good traffic plans exercise the best SEO practices to increase organic traffic and increase conversion rate. Similarly, it also worked for brand promoting and awareness, social media marketing, email marketing, and more importance. That is why SEO is a big part of the strategy for online businesses.

Now as most of these businesses rely on WordPress, our question is ‘ What is WordPress website SEO ’ ?. In this post, we will answer the question. We will discuss why WordPress is the best platform for SEO.

Let us first understand what Search Engine Optimization is all about.

What is SEO, and why is it Important?

When you have to find something on the internet, you turn on the search engine. You search blogs or websites that have content that addresses your queries. Hence, as a website owner, it is imperative to make sure that its visibility on search engines is impressive. Nothing else, but SEO can help.

SEO is the discipline that deals with the techniques used to make websites search engine friendly. It is a wide range of strategies and activities that smooth the way of search engine ranking of any website. The following are some primary benefits of search engine optimization.

  1. If your blog or estore ranks high in search engine results pages ( SERP ), it will have much better visibility. Increased and converting traffic is the obvious outcome of great visibility.
  2. A highly-ranked site instantly wins the user’s trust. It appears more credible and trustworthy.
  3. SEO emphasizes the quality of content. Hence, you will be obliged to provide useful and relevant information.

Are you totally unaware of SEO? You no need to panic, as we will also address basic SEO procedures.

If you have created an eCommerce, business, or personal website, you have already taken the very first step. The platform is well-optimized for search engines. In addition, plenty of simple and beginner-friendly ways can help you push a website toward the top of rankings.

Let’s check out what makes WordPress Unique to other CMS and eCommerce platforms. What is WordPress SEO?

Pretty Permalinks

The Uniform Resource Locator ( URLs ) on the WordPress website SEO is called the permalinks. It’s a very important factor for ranking keywords. A perfect group of URL gives a visitor a better user experience of browsing a website. In WordPress, it is very simple and easy to edit your permalinks with the wp-admin dashboard. Just visit the settings and give the format you want. By default, this is how it looks.


Customize it to a format like http://yoursite.com/%postname%/.

It is better for the search engines and your visitors, who need to figure out the topic of your article from the link.

Embedding the keyword in the link plays an important role in search engine optimization. Moreover, when permalinks are better the CTR of your posts on search engines also improves.

The click-through rate for a link which is also a Google ranking factor is called CTR. When you get fewer clicks than expected, Google drops you into lower positions. The position of sites with higher CTR improves.

When your link is viewable, you get fewer visitors from other sources and social media as well. So do not leave them with the default option.

2.) Adding Metadata Automatically

Adding Metadata Automatically

Two major ranking factors are optimization, the title, and the meta description. Add them to every post and page. To improve the position significantly, add keywords to them.

Since they are viewable on search engines, they also help improve the CTR. Install one of many plugins and add them. This is the power of WordPress. For exercise, open Google now searches ” dietitian, nutritionist, driving school or ice cream shop “and check their URLs.

The process does not take more than a couple of minutes. Hereafter you can use the same plugin for every post. Plugins like Rank Math, Yoast, AIOSEO, and will get the needed information from the title and first sentences of content if you do not add the metadata.

Novice users are often not aware of the immense power of extensions. The plugins are small pieces of add-on software. They add new features and functionalities to a WordPress website SEO.

3.) Image Optimization

Optimized Images

Not only do images beautify the content, but they also make it more readable. Since they break up text into chunks, the text becomes easier to read and understand. By influencing user experience, graphical elements indirectly affect SEO.

So publish high-quality images that are relevant to your niche. Optimize them for search ranking to get the maximum exposure.

Now, what has to do with that? Well, WordPress lets you go to the edit options of an image and fill in the “Alternative Text” box. Include a version of your keyword to achieve the best results. While customizing articles,  you are two clicks away from optimization of images in it.

Heavy images can slow down websites and overload web servers. This is very bad, as research suggests that a website taking more than three seconds to load,  loses its traffic. Speed is an important consideration of search engine rankings.

So edit the sizes of images to increase the speed.

In WordPress website SEO, dozen of famous image optimization tools like Smush, Optimus, ShortPixel, reSmush and more plugins. They do not optimize a photo to lossless but also can convert webp.

4.) User Experience

User Experience

Try to keep your visitors around for more time by engaging them with your content. Good user experience is crucial for that. The reason behind the bad one could be anything from bad web design to an ugly structure of the content to poorly chosen images.

There are some metrics Google uses to measure the quality of user experience your website has. For example, the Bounce rate and the average time that a guest remains on your site. Check the bounce rate of your website through your Google Analytics account. A high bounce rate, when the content is relevant to your ranked keywords, is a sign of poor user experience.

Increased engagement is another benefit of a good-looking website. People leave their comments along with their questions. The active community boosts the rankings. WordPress comes with lots of options to help you customize your website. A plethora of great plugins and themes are available. Most of the templates use bootstrap and modern web technology. You can now be more creative than ever and design amazing websites. Even a few plugins ( , WPtouch, etc ) will help track a theme performance on a website.

5.) Site Speed

Site Speed

As stated earlier, page speed is an important ranking factor in WordPress website SEO. High loading time frustrates the viewers. The bounce rate is badly affected. Google, Bing, Baidu, and Ecosia can even ban the website if it is too slow.

Speed is not a problem for those who use the WordPress platform for eCommerce or portfolios website. Fast loading theme meets every need. A lot of plugins can be downloaded for this purpose. These plugins were specially designed to increase the speed of the page website. WP Rocket, , Autoptimize, and other 3rd party plugins will minify CSS, HTML, JS, and other media assets. Even activated server and browser side caching module.

If your WordPress website is slow, you are not utilizing the potential of the extension properly. Check the load time of your website on Google PageSpeed insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom or any other.

6.) Mobile Optimization

Over the last few years, the number of mobile users has drastically increased. Entrepreneurs today are bound to adapt to this new trend.

There is nothing to worry about if you use WordPress. Most of the themes are mobile-optimized and SEO friendly. Also, lets you check how it looks on different devices. All of the WordPress themes and templates are responsive and accessibility friendly. They adjust according to the screen size of the user.

Search engines like Google, Yandex, and DuckDuckGo are looking for a mobile version of your website. This version and your regular online version have to be the same. Slower speed on mobile can decrease your ranking significantly.

Additionally, a few plugins will help a website for amp ( Accelerated Mobile Pages ) preview.

7.) Social Media Integration

Social Media Integration

It would not be wise to overlook the importance of social media while talking about the SEO of WordPress websites. The majority of sites receive their best organic traffic through social media.

Rankings get better when you engage your audience on social media. It is less about how many followers you have, and more about how actively these followers participate in the posts and comments.

WordPress is ahead of the competition, once again. Hundreds of plugins, tailor-made to maximize your social media presence are available in the WordPres.org repository and CodeCanyon.

Automate your campaigns, add social media buttons to your content and get shares from your visitors. Embed a social media feed on your website. There are a lot of options to encourage your guests to be a part of your social media campaigns.

Some most successful social media plugins are here.

7.) Creating a Sitemap

A list of all the pages and other content on your website is a sitemap. It is usually organized into a hierarchy. The sitemap is a quick way to see what the website is all about, what it includes etc.

They were once designed to help the user navigate the site. Today, their primary purpose is to communicate information to search engine bots which are also known as crawlers.

Adding a sitemap to your website has no direct mechanism to boost search engine rankings. Even though experts recommend it as a valuable tool.

Crawlers can see all of the pages on your website and understand their mutual relevancy. This makes their work easy. They can index your website to present relevant content to search users.

Adding a sitemap to a website is very very simple. Targeted plugins like Google XML Sitemaps, Jetpack, Simple Sitemap, or a comprehensive tool such as Yoast SEO can do it.

Hopefully, now you clearly know what is WordPress website SEO, and how it can help you rank your website on the search engines. Let’s share some valuable tips for improving the SEO of your e-commerce or one page websites.

8.) Wise Selection of Hosting Provider

The hosting provider plays a vital role in WordPress website SEO. Be extra careful and picky. A good host pushes you to the top of search engine result pages by boosting your speed. We have already talked about how important speed is.

Your host also has an impact on the amount of downtime your website experiences. The physical distance between servers and visitors also plays a role. As a matter of fact, both are important ranking factors.

Choose a reliable and well-reputed host. If you have chosen the bad one, do not panic. You can always switch to the better one. make sure your hosting company uses the latest web server like NGINX, Lightspeed, or an attractive one.

Furthermore, thousands of developers contributing to controlling server-side seo issues and released some must have plugins. A few server related plugins are , , Cloudflare, and more CDN and server cache.

9.) Use Different Headings in Your Content

Google loves easy-to-understand content. Headings and bullets organize, a table of content of the text and make it fun to read.

Use Different Headings in your  Content

WP editor provides you with various formatting options. It provides different heading tags from H1 to H5. Try to use all of them.

Sitemaps cannot convey the crux of individual content, scattered on the different pages of the website. Headings solve this problem. Sitemaps read them to understand the value content provides.  Moreover, headings provide amazing visual benefits of WordPress website SEO.

1) Write the Long-form Content

Pay special attention to the length of the content. Google’s algorithms heed this very parameter.

Longer content has advantages because search engines consider it more useful. The more the content is comprehensive, the more it informs the crawlers with the help of different keywords and headings. It increases your credibility and encourages your visitors to spend more and more time on your website.

It also provides more value to the readers. Try to make the content in-depth, as much as possible.

In this section, WordPress SEO also involved this section to improve content readability scores.

2) Add and Update Your Posts Frequently

Google’s algorithms consider the frequency of content, along with the length. Older and higher-quality content definitely does well.  However, a boost has to be given to newer and fresh content that is more likely to be relevant to searchers.

Also, you can by default a scheduled post or use other addons like Advanced Schedule Posts, PublishPress Future, etc.

3) Add Quality Internal and External Links

Just like human beings, websites have to be social as well. Search engines don’t consider your website in a vacuum.

They rather notice its connections, both internally and to other sites. Plenty of links throughout your posts and pages tell crawlers how they relate to similar content. It encourages other websites to provide you with back-links.

It, in turn, communicates to search engines that your content is valuable. Don’t just cram too many links into your content. Also do not use irrelevant links. It will affect your credibility. As a consequence, your search engine rankings will suffer.

Also, try to incorporate links where they naturally fit. Point readers toward high-quality websites with good rankings. The key to achieving amazing results is the smart incorporation of internal and external links. Some of the tools are MonsterInsights, Link Whisper, Interlinks Manager, and more friendly tool kits.

Last Words

WordPress is no doubt, the best platform to start your online business or eCommerce website. Tremendous advantages make it the best possible candidate. It is beneficial for both the owner and the user.

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    SwiftChat Live Chat App
    March 19, 2020 at 3:40 pm

    WP is certainly one of the best platforms available for SEO.

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