Step-by-Step Explanation: Creating Your Own WordPress Site

Building a business, ecommerce or personal blog is a need of time. Now, any small or big business company, public figure, or professionals have to have their website. They need to give updates to their businesses but creating a webpage is not an effortless task. Thanks to WordPress, they have made it easy and convenient.

Now you may wonder “how to create a website!” This article is the answer to your question. When a beginner goes for building a webpage, he or she faces some trouble. I hope after reading this article, you will get a firm idea about making your website on WordPress. This article combines a step by step guide for installing a WordPress website.

1st Step: Pick WordPress to build your dream

Pick WordPress to build your dream website

You will find hundreds of website building platforms. As a category, they are called Content Management System (CMS). They let you customize your web content as you wish, and you don’t need to be a specialist in coding. You can easily do it just like editing files on Google Docs. You can create a new document page and publish it on your site. These are what CMSs do.

Don’t get confused by my information. You can choose WP without giving it a second thought because it is the best website building platform among all the existing platforms. More than 35% of users trust WordPress. In other words, almost 1 of every 3 websites in the world uses WordPress. The success of WP is not a fluke. It has valid reasons to be on the top.

These are:
  • It is always open. That means the original software code is available and free.
  • It brings all the features that you don’t need to take other’s support. So, you can do it yourself.
  • It has a diversified option. It allows you to run every kind of website using this platform.
  • WordPress works very fast.
  • You can optimize your website.
  • No worry about security.
  • Website promotion is more comfortable compared to other platforms.
  • Building a site with WP is an experience.

So, without delaying anymore, just go and download from You can find another flavor of in I would suggest you choose because of its diversity.

2nd Step: Choose a name

The next step is selecting a name for your website. While you are learning how to set up a website, you have to choose an original name for your site. You have the ultimate freedom to choose any name you want. It is a fun and challenges to choose a unique domain name . Fun, in a sense, you are free to choose but challenging because you have to be unique.

There are more than two billion websites on the internet. The name has to be original. If you want to be authentic in creating your web name, keep some basic things in mind. Maintain some key features of a unique domain name.

The name should be easy to remember. It should be on people’s minds just after listening about it for once.

choose a domain

  • It should be small but mind-striking.
  • A unique, brandable name that doesn’t match with the other domains.
  • It should not create a problem in typing the name. Choose a name that people don’t have to bother about the spelling of the word.
  • You should include the business type in the name of the domain. For example, if you are making a website for tech gadgets retailer, then keep the word gadget somewhere in the domain name.
  • The name should sound captivating.

Even now, if you find it challenging to choose a cool name for your website, then you can take the help of the internet. Many web platforms can help you out. Now an essential part of the answer to your question about how to make a WP.

3rd Step: Buy a domain name and hosting

As a beginner, you should know at first what is hosting. To make it easy to understand, I would say it is a way of getting your domain name registered. There are thousands of companies that sell hosting packages.

You have to choose a company to help you with hosting set up. After completing the selection process, you have to inform them to install WordPress for your domain. You just give a user name and password to manage the website.

how to make

4th Step: Know the user interface of WP

To know how to use WordPress to build a website, you must see the user interface well. You can find your WordPress user panel at See the user interface of WordPress from here. The user interface has these features.

  • Welcome message: Here the admin panel contact with the audience. Here are some quick links about how to make a WP website, how to use WP to build sites, or some ways for building a website with WordPress, etc. It helps the admins to connect with the customers.
  • There is an option called what’s going on. You will be able to know the current position of your website.
  • You can write blogs on the Posts section.
  • If you want to upload a photo or any file, go to the Media section.
  • The Pages section is for creating subpages for your blogs.
  • You can add comments to the comment section.
  • If you think you need to change the design of your website for any reason, then you can do it in the appearance segment of the interface. You can customize your design, display, etc. from here.
  • When you need to add some new plugins, you can do it in the plugins section.
  • You can manage the user accounts that have access to the admin panel from the user section.
  • In the settings part, you will get the key settings features.


Some basics step of creating a WordPress website. Now you should know some basics of how to setup a WordPress site. This will help you through it.

It determines how the structure of URLs is within the website. The name of the page you will browse should be in the URLs. If you can set up permalink properly, you can find the page name on the URLs. To do it correctly, go to Permalinks from settings option of the sidebar of your wp-admin dashboard.


Make your site public

Everyone wants Google to find his or her website at first attempt. Many people optimize their sitss. But in WordPress, you can do it quickly. Go to settings, then reading and uncheck the “Discourage search engine… ” part.

search engine visibility

Set a catchy tag line & title

To fix a title for your website, you need to go to settings then general and set a title as you wish. Don’t forget to put a catchy tagline. It is optional, though.


Set comment section

You can keep the comment option open for all or close it for the public. If you like to accept people’s opinions on your website, you can keep it free for everyone. If you don’t want people to give their idea, then close it. It is up to you. To keep the engagement with the people functioning, you have to allow them to comment.

comment section

Set your time zone

If you place your time zone correctly, your news will get more predictability. Your audience can reach you at the right time.

5th Step: Choose a suitable theme

Now you almost know how to create a WP webpage. The next step is to select a professional wordpress theme for your website. WP has a substitutable design. That means you can change the look of the site the way you want. At first, go and pick a theme you feel good.

WP themes are available in numerous designs. They all are exceptional in design and looks. The themes may look different in design but will not change your information or contents. Don’t worry. There are paid and unpaid themes available in WordPress.

Once you select the theme, you need to install it on the theme. Go to the Appearance option and choose themes then choose to add a new opportunity. Then adjust the ypography of your website. You will find it in the appearance section. customizers let you change the typography of your website. Also, you can choose the font you want for your site.

choose theme

Now select the right looking color for your theme. If you don’t like the default color, then you are welcome to change that. Usually, people use Accent Color for buttons, links. The other things take a match with the design of the web theme.
As long as the theme is concerned, there are other options in WordPress available for you.

  • You can change the overall layout of the site.
  • Also, you can change the button’s shape.
  • Next, you can keep or take down the background picture of the whole website.

We also recommend few premiums & Free theme ! check out below

6th Step: Setting new plugins

We know you are trying to learn how to make a WP website. So, we have brought a piece of good news for you. If you want to increase the ability of your website, you have to get new plugins immediately. Every plugin adds a unique ability to the sites. It does the same thing that the app does to smartphones. It merely improves the functionality of your webpage. Now you know that without knowing to code, you can add great features to your site by adding plugins. The plugins that can change your website drastically are:

You can add as many plugins as you wish. It is not a big deal. Just go to the dashboard of WordPress, and then select plugins then add new. Choose a name for the plugin then click install.


7th Step: creating pages in wp-admin

It doesn’t matter what purpose you have to create a webpage. You must have some basic pages on your website. These basic pages include pages like about, contact us, Privacy policy, Complaint, Portfolio, Chat, Store, categories, etc. These basic pages are a must for any website.

pages creating

8th Step: Start writing blogs:

Writing blogs for your site will help in many ways. You can use your product or services. If not that you can improve your brand image through writing blogs on your website.

Most websites (besides providing their leading service) maintain blogs to persuade people. You can write blogs related to the business you are doing. In WP, you can do it with little effort. Click add new on your website posts segment. Start writing blogs to promote your services.

Start writing blogs

It’s all done. Now you have to make it easier for the audience to reach out for your site. Keep the Menu options most visible because people come and navigate your website using this button.

You can choose the menu button settings from the WordPress dashboard. From the left side, you will get the chance to add pages in the menu. You should add some key pages to the list. After selecting pages for the menu, select the menu position on the page. Then save it.

Set wordpress navigation bar

Final Verdict

That’s all about how to create a WordPress website. These were the step by step guidelines for a beginner to know how to build a WP site.

I hope now you know how to use WP to build a website. Following these steps, you can quickly make your website using WordPress as a web-building platform. You don’t need anyone’s help; you can do it yourself.

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    March 24, 2020 at 9:02 pm

    Over the next few weeks and months, we ll be launching our Getting Started With WordPress post series to help you out. And apart from that if you need anything else, do let us know in the comments below! Aigars and I will always be happy to help you out ??

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